Madu Kelulut H. Itama Asli , Botol Kecil 74 g




Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Honey Type : Madu Kelulut Asli Sumber Akasia
Production Date : June 1, 2023
Expire Date : June 30, 2025
Honey Container Type : Glass Bottle
Location : Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

Madu Kelulut Asli Kelulut Itama, Botol Kecil 74 gram


Penghantaran percuma untuk semenanjung Malaysia



MaduKelulut Asli keluaran Darul Falah dituai dari sarang lebah kelulut itama yangditernak di sekitar hutan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor yang kayadengan pohon-pohon  buah, Akasia, danhutan. Madu Kelulut Darul Falah telah melalui proses pengurangan kandungan airterkawal pada suhu kurang 40 °C, menepati Standard madu Kelulut (MS 2683)sehingga 22 % untuk mengekalkan khasiatnya dan kualitinya.



-Membantu mengurangkan batuk dan selsema.

-Menguatkan sistem imunisasi badan.

-Mampu meningkatkan tenaga/kesuburan.

-Membunuh virus penyebab selsema/batuk.

-Melancarkan sistem penghadaman.

-Merawat masalah kulit seperti ekzema.

-Mencegah osteoporosis (tulang rapuh).

-Menyerap kalsium ke dalam tulang.

-Membantu mengurangkan risiko kanser danlain-lain


Mention when calling Seller to get a good deal




Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

- Rating & Reviews (5.0)

  • June 15, 2023

Good Quality Honey, authentic and a must have. Thank yoU!

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  2. Always try to contact with verified phone number seller.
  3. Even if the seller discloses his/her personal information or bank account number, this does not protect you from being cheated.
  4. Always request for the original receipt of purchase from the seller, to verify that he/ she is the rightful owner of the item and to verify that the item is authentic.
  5. Avoid sending goods or payment instead, meet in person and do COD (Cash on Delivery).
  6. Think twice before having oversea dealing.
  7. Meet at a public place to deal with.
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