Melipona Beecheii (Hymenoptera, Apidae) foragers deposit a chemical mark on food to attract conspecifics

Karen Espadas-Pinacho Za Grupo de Ecología de Artrópodos y Manejo de Plagas, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Carretera Antiguo Aeropuerto, Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico COMMUN. BIOMATH. SCI., VOL. ...

Mathematical Model and Dynamics Analysis of the Stingless Bee (Trigona sp.) in A Colony

Fidelis Nofertinus Za Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology, 40132 Bandung, Indonesia COMMUN. BIOMATH. SCI., VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2022, PP. 151-160 ● Tw = worke...

Studying the Biological Characteristics of the Stingless Bee Tetrigonilla Collina Smith 1857 (Apidae: Melipona) in Hanoi, Vietnam

Studying the Biological Characteristics of the Stingless Bee Tetrigonilla Collina Smith 1857 (Apidae: Melipona) in Hanoi, Vietnam

Pham Hong Thai Research Center for Tropical Bees and Beekeeping, Vietnam National University, , Hanoi 131000, Vietnam Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4, no. 2 (2021): 1067-1076. Summar...

Water Content of Stingless Bee Honey Varies by Season

Water Content of Stingless Bee Honey Varies by Season

Andi Gita Maulidyah Indraswari Suhri* and Irnayanti Bahar *Universitas Patompo, Jl. Inspeksi Kanal No.10, Rappocini, Makassar City, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia Jurnal Biologi Tropis, 23.2 (2023): 16-2...

Stingless Bee Keeping: Introduction & Practice | The Habitat

Stingless Bee Keeping: Introduction & Practice | The Habitat

Content 1) The nesting places of stingless bees. 2) The nest structures. The nesting places of stingless bees.  Climate and habitat preferences vary from species to species. There are species of plant...

